Aselia Wiki

Ancient Nova (エンシェントノヴァ Enshentonova?) is a powerful Fire-elemental spell in the Tales series.

Arte Description and History

Upon activation, the atmosphere turns red as heat energy builds in the sky. A massive bullet of flame then descends from the sky, striking the earth and rupturing a large area. Finally, a quick flash of hellfire consumes the battlefield around the point of impact before dissipating.


Mothership Titles

Escort Titles

Mobile Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes

Tales of Destiny 2

Japanese Quote: 古より伝わりし浄化の炎! 落ちよ! エンシェントノヴァ!
Romanized Quote: Inishie yori tsutawarishi jouka no honoo! Ochiyo! Ancient Nova!

Tales of Legendia

Localized Description: "High: Incinerate the enemy with primordial fire. ATR.: Fire."[1]

Localized Quote: "Roar, O conflagration, and command all impure souls to their ashen ends... Ancient Nova!"

