Aselia Wiki
Brightstar Shine (TotR)

Brightstar Shine as it appears in Tales of the Rays.

Brightstar Shine (リトル・シャイン・フリンジ Ritoru Shain Furinji?, "Little Shine Fringe") is a Water-elemental collaboration mirrage arte exclusive to Alisha Diphda in Tales of the Rays.

Arte Description and History[]

Alisha walks toward the enemies before thrusting her spear in the air, summoning a rain of light chiral particles. This arte heals a small amount of HP to all party members. This arte was added during a collaboration event with The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls and is a reflection of the idol theme.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 凛々しく敵を反省させる魔鏡技 味方のHPもちょっと回復する
Localized Description: "An awe-inspiring arte that makes foes reflect on their lives. Restore a small amount of HP to all allies."

Japanese Quote: 魔境技!贖罪は必要無い、反省してもらう! リトル・シャイン・フリンジ!!
Romanized Quote: Makyougi! Shokuzai wa hitsuyoonai, hansei shite morau! Ritoru Shain Furinji!!
