Aselia Wiki
Flame Ring (ToX)

Flame Ring as it appears in Tales of Xillia.

Flame Ring (バーンスプレッド Baansupureddo?, "Burn Spread") is an intermediate Fire-elemental spell in the Tales series.

Arte Description and History[]

Flame Ring (ToX2)

Flame Ring as it appears in Tales of Xillia 2.

Under the caster, a red, ornamented, and circular glyph with a medium radius appears and burns, dealing damage to all enemies within its reach in continuous hits.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Xillia[]

User: Milla Maxwell
Japanese Description: 周りの地面を焼き尽くす精霊術(X長押しで発動)。Xをすぐに離すと、敵を吹き飛ばすフレアボムが発動。

User: Milla Maxwell
Japanese Quote: 立て、天を焦がす焔!バーンスプレッド!
Localized Quote: "Let the flames engulf you! Flame Ring!"

User: Agria
Japanese Quote: おっ立て、天焦がす焔!バーンスプレッド!
Localized Quote: "Let the flames engulf you! Flame Ring!"

User: Wingul
Japanese Quote: ブオディム!バーンスプレッド!
Localized Quote: "Buodim…[1] Flame Ring!"

User: Maxwell
Unused Japanese Quote: 立て、天を焦がす焔!バーンスプレッド!
Unused Localized Quote: "Let the fire engulf you! Flame Ring!"

Tales of Xillia 2[]

User: Muzét
Japanese Description: 周りの地面を焼き尽くす精霊術。空中でショックスフィアに変化。

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 自身の周囲に魔法陣を展開して敵を焼き尽くす術

User: Agria
Japanese Quote: 天焦がせ!バーンスプレッド!

User: Muzét
Japanese Quote: 天照らせ日輪!バーンスプレッド!

