Aselia Wiki
Philia Bomb (ToD PSX)

Philia Bomb as it appears in Tales of Destiny (PSX).

Philia Bomb (フィリアボム Firiabomu?) is a Light-elemental strike arte in the Tales series and one of the signature artes of Philia Felice from Tales of Destiny.

Arte Description and History[]

This arte simply involves Philia throwing a handmade bomb at her enemies, reflecting her researching nature mentioned in the original game. Later, a new version named Bomb Throw was created for users other than Philia, but this arte remains as Philia's recurring arte in her appearances.

The PlayStation 2 remake of Tales of Destiny adds a sleep-inducing effect to the arte. In Tales of Eternia, Meredy's Destiny summon calls the Swordian Masters from Tales of Destiny to perform attacks. Though the English version does not name the individual artes, the Japanese version does, and Philia's arte is "Philia Bomb", although it functionally acts more like Bomb Rain. In Tales of the Rays, it is also the weapon that grants Philia use of the arte. In Tales of Crestoria, this arte inflicts Poison on the target for two turns.


Philia Bomb (ToD PS2)

Philia Bomb as it appears in the PlayStation 2 remake of Tales of Destiny.

Original Titles

Philia Bomb (ToCrestoria)

Philia Bomb as it appears in Tales of Crestoria.

Crossover Titles

Other Titles

Fan-Translated Names[]

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Destiny (PSX)[]

Localized Description: "Philia's special chemical explosive thrown at the enemy."[1]

Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut[]

Translated Description (Life Bottle Productions): "Throws a bottle with explosive liquid. Inflicts sleep."

Japanese Quote: 当たれぇえ!

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description:


Alternate Japanese Quote: 当たれぇえ!

Tales of Crestoria[]

Japanese Quote: 当たれぇえ!フィリアボム!

