Aselia Wiki

Crimson Flash (緋閃 Hisen?) is a Fire-elemental martial arte exclusive to Rokurou Rangetsu in Tales of Berseria.

Arte Description and History[]

Depending on the shortcut assigned, Rokurou will either striker his right-hand short sword downward or to the right, or his left-hand short sword to the left. This arte has a 16% chance to drain the target's HP. In Tales of Crestoria, Rokurou's Normal Attack uses the rightward animation.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Berseria[]

Japanese Description (PlayStation): 踏み込みつつ、短剣で鋭く斬りつける。 TriangleXで正面、Squareで左に、で左に、Oで右に攻撃方向が変化
Localized Description (Xbox controller): "An aggressive advance with a powerful slashing attack. Use Y and A to swing forward, X to swing left, and B to swing right."
