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Vengeful Stance (ToB)

Vengeful Stance as it appears in Tales of Berseria.

Karmic Resonance (因果応報 Ingaouhou?, "Karmic Retribution"), also localized as Vengeful Stance, is a recurring arte in the Tales series.

Arte Description and History[]

In Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, it is Norn's second mystic arte. She prepares by raising her arms and performing a chant. She suddenly drops them as a circle of light bursts from her and ripples of water form around the battlefield. The ripples then erupt into red light that damages enemies caught within them.

In Tales of Graces, Solomus performs a strong burst of unblockable energy that blows back his target. He then follows this with a dashing thrust straight forward, covering the distance he knocked back his enemy.

In Tales of Berseria, this is Rokurou Rangetsu's Break Soul. In this, he enters a counterattack stance. If attacked, he will counter with either Vengeful Punishment or Vengeful Scourge, depending on the circumstances. In Tales of the Rays, he will counter with Ouhou Metsu when attacked.

The phrase "Ingaouhou" is a Japanese yojijukugo about karma, particularly the idea that good fortune will come to those who perform good deeds, and bad fortune for bad deeds; another way to refer to it is "just desserts" or "poetic justice".


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X[]

Japanese Quote: 数多の無念... 数多の怨み... 数多の憤り...!これがははぼしに降り積もる、涙の重さです... 受け取りなさい!

Tales of Berseria[]

Japanese Description: 敵の攻撃に対して構えを取り、続く攻撃のスタン率を上げる。
Localized Description: "Takes a parry stance and increases the stun rate of attacks."

Japanese Quote: 来い!
Localized Quote: "Come!"

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 敵の攻撃に備え構えをとる。構え中に攻撃を受けると「応報・滅」を発動
