Aselia Wiki
This article is based on information from Japanese-only media.
The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time.

Tokugi (特技 - "Base Artes")

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Fatal Strike Total Damage (%) Max Hits TP Cost Level Requirements
Form Up
(Form Change)
- - - - - 0 default -
  • randomly changes to one of four styles ("Normal", "Advance", "Brainel", "Critical")
  • Normal: increases the Over Limit gauge
  • Advance: heals a small amount of HP
  • Brainel: recovers a small amount of TP
  • Critical: all three effects are activated at once
Variable Trigger
? - Green ?
10 default -
  • Normal: shoots 1 bullet
  • Advance: increases the number of bullets
  • Brainel: rapidly tap the "Attack" button to add more hits
  • Critical: shoots 1 bullet, then throws a bomb
Clunky Bomb[1]
? Fire Blue ? ? 8 default -

Ougi (奥義 - "Arcane Artes")

Arte Name Elemental Attributes Fatal Strike Total Damage (%) Max Hits TP Cost Level Requirements
Severed Fate
Knockdown Red ?
20 default -
  • hold the "Attack", "Artes", and "Guard" buttons to add an explosive blast that will knock down enemies
  • this will damage Patty if she is to close to the blast

Skill Henkawaza (スキル変化技 - "Altered Artes")

Altered Artes are activated in place of their original arte during battle, if the required skills are equipped. After the original arte has been used more than 100 times (or more than 50 times for magic artes), the altered version will be learned as a separate arte, which no longer requires the skills to be equipped.

In the PS3 demo version, all available altered artes are learned separately by default, and the required skills are unavailable. Additional altered artes cannot be activated.

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Fatal Strike Total Damage (%) Max Hits TP Cost Requirements
Trigger Tune
Knockdown - Green ?
13 -
  • Normal: shoots 3 bullets
  • Advance: increases the number of bullets
  • Brainel: jumps and shoots 3 bullets at the ground
  • Critical: spins and fires randomly in all directions

Majutsu (魔術 - "Magic Artes")

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Fatal Strike Total Damage (%) Max Hits Cast Time (seconds) TP Cost Level Requirements
Fancy Elements
(Elemental Impulse)
- - - - - ? 12 default -
  • randomly increases a single stat for one ally
Risky Cast
- random ? random random ? 10 default -

Burst Artes (バーストアーツ)

Burst Artes can be activated only while Over Limit mode is active. The burst arte duration, damage, and effects are increased with Over Limit levels, with maximum effects at Level 3. Similar to altered artes, burst artes can be "altered" if the correct skills are equipped. However, these elemental burst artes cannot be learned separately. All burst artes are activated by holding the "Artes" button during any arcane or altered arte.

In the PS3 demo version, Over Limit mode is available up to Level 2 only. Additional burst artes cannot be activated.

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Fatal Strike Total Damage (%) Max Hits Requirements
Glitters Rain
(Glittery Rain)
? - Red ? ? -
? ?
  • press either the "Attack" button or the "Artes" button to choose a card
  • failure to press a button results in Patty damaging herself


  1. "Cranky", perhaps?

