Aselia Wiki
ToP iOS Volt

Volt as it appears in Tales of Phantasia (iOS).

Bolt (ToD PSX)

Bolt as it appears in Tales of Destiny (PSX).

Volt (ヴォルト Voruto?) and Summon: Lightning (降霊召符・雷 Koureishoufu: Kaminari?) are artes that summon the Summon Spirit of Lightning, Volt.

Arte Description and History

As the arte summoning the Summon Spirit of Lightning, all of the artes are lightning-related. Volt first appears in Tales of Phantasia under the command of Klarth F. Lester. When summoned, Volt appears in the middle of the screen and then proceeds to rain down lightning. The rest of Volt's incarnations will perform similar attacks, though in Tales of Eternia, Volt will follow it up by leaving miniature balls of lightning to continue dealing damage as they bounce along the bottom of the screen, while with Summon: Lightning in Tales of Symphonia, Volt will heal the party's status ailments.


Fan-Translated Names

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes

Tales of Phantasia (SFC)

Japanese Description: 召喚呪文の一つ。雷の精霊ヴォルトを召喚する
Romanized Description: Shoukan jumon no hitotsu. Ikazuchi no seirei Volt wo shoukan suru
Translated Description (DeJap Translations): "Summons the Spirit of Electricity. Volt is a being of pure energy."[1]

Tales of Destiny

Localized Description: "An ancient weapon that summons the lightning spirit."[2]

Tales of Eternia

Localized Description: "There is no escaping the web of electromagnetic pulse."[3]

Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2

Japanese Description: ヴォルトを召喚する
Romanized Description: Volt wo shoukan suru
Translated Description: "Summon Volt."

Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3

Japanese Description: ヴォルトを召喚する
Romanized Description: Volt wo shoukan suru
Translated Description: "Summon Volt."
Translated Description (Kajitani-Eizan): "Summon Volt."

Tales of Phantasia (GBA)

Japanese Description: 雷の精霊ヴォルトを召喚する
Romanized Description: Ikazuchi no seirei Volt wo shoukan suru

Localized Description: "Summon the Lightning Spirit Volt"[4]

Tales of Symphonia

Japanese Quote: 猛き神が振るう 紫電の鎚よ 契約者の名において命ず 出でよ! ヴォルト!!
Romanized Quote: Takeki kami ga furuu shiden no tsuchi yo. Keiyakusha no na ni oite meizu! Ideyo, Volt!!
Translated Quote: "Hammer of purple thunder that reinforce the brave god, by right as the pact maker I command thee. Come forth, Volt!!"

Localized Quote: "I call upon the hammer of godly lightning. I summon thee. Come, Volt!!"[5]

